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She Wears It Well

Essential Qualities of the Woman God Designed You to Be

By Andrea J. Dixon-Seahorn
Price: $14.95

Format: (Softcover)
ISBN 13: 9781662831164
LCCN: 2010-07-15
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 134
Publisher: Two Harbors Press
Publication Date: 11/01/2021

Just how does she wear it well? With all the pressures of life that every woman will endure, there comes a point where her focus must shift from outward appearances and personal accomplishments to the inner person- the very essence of the woman God designed her to be.


She Wears It Well is written for the woman who desires to find her fulfillment in a deep and abiding relationship with Christ Jesus. Whether single, married, divorced, or widowed,   the essential qualities outlined in this book such as faithfulness, creativity, excellence, and strength, are attributes every woman can wear better than high-end make-up, trendy attire, or even a sassy pair of shoes.


Each of the essential qualities is featured in its own chapter with a discussion of its relevance to the current times in which we live from a biblical context, followed by a profile of a woman in the Bible who wears it well. Every chapter concludes with a practical application of how the quality can be cultivated so that every woman can realize her fullest potential. The art of wearing it well is critical to being satisfied with who you are, and where you are in this glorious season of your life. 

Andrea J. Dixon-Seahorn, Ed. D. is an insightful author, dynamic speaker, and visionary leader. As the president of By Divine Design Enterprises, LLC Andrea endeavors to Inspire! Envision! Innovate! And Empower! through her writing, speaking, and consulting. She was compelled to write this debut literary work based on her faith-filled years of embracing God’s design for her life to inspire and empower women of all ages and backgrounds to reach their fullest potential. 

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