Format: (Softcover)
ISBN 13: 9781631299308
LCCN: 2020916699
Trim Size: 7.44 x 9.69
Number of Pages: 939
Publisher: MCP Books
Publication Date: 12/01/2020
Revised and updated through the 2019 Texas legislative session, the Fourth Edition of Texas Homeowners Association Law is the essential guidebook on all statutory laws governing Texas homeowners associations.
Texas Homeowners Association Law is an essential handbook on all Texas and Federal laws governing the administration and operation of Texas homeowners associations, including associations that administer condominium and subdivision developments, and it is the only comprehensive legal reference manual that is written specifically for directors, officers and homeowners in such organizations. Organized by topic and written in plain English, Texas Homeowners Association Law provides a straightforward explanation of the rights, duties, and responsibilities of Texas homeowners associations and homeowners and it answers the most common questions that arise in association-governed communities in Texas including:
Creation and Scope of a Homeowners Association’s Authority and Powers
Procedural Requirements for Board of Directors and Membership Meetings
Directors’ and Officers’ Duties and Responsibilities
Collection of Unpaid Assessment Fees and Foreclosure of Assessment Liens
Architectural Review of Proposed Construction Projects
Restrictive Covenant Interpretation and Enforcement
Amendment of Governing Documents
Rights and Duties of Texas Homeowners
Texas Homeowners Association Law includes more than twenty-five sample forms for use by Texas homeowners associations and homeowners, as well as a table of authorities and subject index to assist readers in quickly identifying applicable topics by key words or subject matter. In addition, with more than 2,500 annotations and citations to Texas and Federal statutes and appellate court decisions, Texas Homeowners Association Law is also an indispensable tool for property managers, realtors, and attorneys who work with association-governed communities in Texas.
Gregory S. Cagle is a founding partner of the Cagle Pugh law firm, which has offices in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, and he has been representing Texas homeowners associations and homeowners for more than 20 years. He is Board Certified in Texas Property Owners Association Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, a member of the Community Associations Institute, a fellow in the College of Community Association Lawyers and a frequent speaker and author on topics related to association-governed communities.
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