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Rocks, Roots and Rattlesnakes

A Geologist’s Journal: 150 Days of Discovery on the Appalachian Trail

By Craig A. Eckert
Price: $32.99
Price: $9.99

Format: (eBook)
ISBN 13: 9781662837999
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Publisher: MCP Books
Publication Date: 01/31/2022

Format: (Softcover)
ISBN 13: 9781662837982
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 308
Publisher: MCP Books
Publication Date: 04/12/2022

Rocks, Roots and Rattlesnakes is the captivating story of my five-month 2020 journey hiking the Appalachian Trail, as told from a geologist’s perspective. It is written as a series of daily logs originally transcribed from my journals, then embellished with additional details resulting from further recollection and research. All the stories are true and contain elements of human interest relating to the fascinating hikers I met on my adventure. My goal in assembling this book is to provide entertainment and information for two main audiences. First, for those who have hiked the trail, I include stories relating to places and things all of us have seen, along with frequent observations about those mysterious rocks beneath our feet. For those new to the trail, or who have never hiked long distances, this is a glimpse into the wonders and excitement to be discovered, as told by just one of the many thousands of past thru-hikers. I hope you will enjoy reading about my 150 days of discovery on the Appalachian Trail!



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