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Equipping Men to Lead In The 21st Century


By G.F. Watkins
Price: $7.99

Format: (eBook)
ISBN 13: 9781622307135
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 186
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 07/24/2012

Tonight in America, one out of every three children will go to sleep in a home without their father. The severe social and spiritual consequences of fatherlessness are felt in every facet of society, including the Church. 


Like a voice crying out in the wilderness, Dr. Edwin Louis Cole proclaimed the truth and devoted his life to turning the hearts of fathers to the children. Ed Cole, the “father of the modern-day men’s movement,” relentlessly traveled the globe with the message of Christ-like manhood, all the while carefully grooming and growing up spiritual sons. 


Here are just a few of the life lessons you will discover in this book:

• How to Take Your Place in this life and leave your mark

• How a spiritual father impacts your marriage, finances, ministry, and more

• How to identify your father.

• The attributes every father desires in a spiritual or natural son


“This book will give you a good idea of who Dr. Cole was and of the principles of manhood that governed his life and made him the leader he was.”

Bill McCartney

Founder & President, Promise Keepers


“Fathering is the New Testament method of missions, discipleship, and multiplication. From spiritual father to spiritual son, God’s eternal values are transmitted. Pastor G.F. Watkins has lived his life first as a spiritual son to Ed Cole and later in a mentoring relationship to me. He has now become a spiritual father to others. Follow this pattern of receiving and imparting and you will build great, lasting legacies. I encourage you to digest this book and then spend your life helping to mentor others. We can change the world one son at a time!”


Pastor Larry Stockstill

Sr. Pastor Bethany World Prayer Center

Baker, LA


No man becomes great on his own. It takes a mentor. Luke Skywalker had Yoda. The Karate Kid had Mr. Miyagi and G. F. Watkins had a mentor by the name of Edwin Louis Cole, the father of modern men’s ministry. G.F Watkins’ deeply personal account of his relationship with Cole makes for good reading - and points Christians to the indispensable role that man-to-man mentoring plays in the Kingdom of God.


David Murrow Author, Why Men Hate Going to Church


“We live with a generation of spiritual orphans! The greatest need of the Church today is to bring legitimacy to these orphans. The only way to accomplish this is through a spiritual father. Pastor G.F. Watkins is himself a spiritual son of the late Dr. Edwin Cole and captures not only Dr. Cole’s heart in this area but has struck at the very heart cry of the Church. This book is a must for all of us!”

Dr. Robert R. Carmen

Missions Director of Christ for the Nations

G.F. Watkins is founder and Senior Pastor of Powerhouse Church and Jordan Ranch Leadership retreat in Katy, Texas. Graduating with a Masters from Stephen F Austin University, he was an All-American Collegiate athlete and coached football in Texas high schools. For over 25 years, G.F. Watkins has equipped men for marriage; church, education, and business leadership; and coached and mentored thousands of men internationally in men’s events. He has been married to Rose for 28 years and together they have 3 sons.


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The Alpha Male

And the Women Who Get Them

By G.F. Watkins
Price: $7.99

Format: (eBook)
ISBN 13: 9781498434928
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 200
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 05/09/2015

What images come to mind when you hear these names? General George S. Patton, John Wayne, Spartan King Leonidas, Coach Vince Lombardi, President Teddy Roosevelt, Moses, Noah…

Ladies, this book is crafted to unveil the mysteries of a driven, ‘A’ type male personality that you’ve found yourself connected to. These high-octane guys are driven to be the best at all they do; yes, they can be difficult to live with day to day unless you know a simple key revealed in this book.

Men, every man has a level of Alpha Male in him. The Alpha Male will help you and your family understand and celebrate who you are. This book will unravel a few keys to helping to build heroes that our homes, churches, and nations desperately need! 

G.F. Watkins is founder and Senior Pastor of Powerhouse Church and Jordan Ranch Leadership retreat in Katy, Texas. Graduating with a Masters from Stephen F Austin University, he was an All-American Collegiate athlete and coached football in Texas high schools. For over 25 years, G.F. Watkins has equipped men for marriage; church, education, and business leadership; and coached and mentored thousands of men internationally in men’s events. 


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G-MEN: The Final Strategy

Revised 20 Years Later PROOF!

By G.F. Watkins
Price: $6.99

Format: (eBook)
ISBN 13: 9781662828164
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 152
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 08/26/2021

G-MEN was nominated as the up-and-coming ministry of the year in 2001 by the National Coalition of Men’s Ministries. Now, 20 years later, we have compiled the evidence which we believe proves it was and is in fact God’s strategy to save our world! The G-MEN strategy provides a plan for discipling new converts. Mapped out step by step, these practical applications bring order, build the church, and take the Gospel to the world. You owe it to yourself to read the life stories of 4 Pastors affected by the G-MEN strategy!

G.F. Watkins is an international leader, speaker, visionary, church planter, and an author of seven books. From his humble beginnings as a high school coach, G.F. went on to plant churches around the world starting with Powerhouse Church in Katy, Texas, Powerhouse Namibia, and Powerhouse Peru.  As a spiritual son to the late Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, father of the modern-day men’s movement, G.F. Watkins’ principle of ministry and church planting is the restoration of the world through the restoration of the man. This fundamental belief birthed the worldwide movement known as G-MEN and then as Man Church over 20 years ago.  G-MEN strategy and Man Church teach that manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous. It is the foundation on which all of Powerhouse Churches and its covenant churches are built on. Reach the man, change the family; change the family, change the church; change the church, change the community; change the community, change the city; change the city, change the state; change the state, change the nation; change the nation, change the world. It all begins with men taking responsibility for the world around them. After pastoring Powerhouse Katy for 20 years and planting churches around the globe, G.F. stepped into the role of an apostolic leader and coach through his organization The Genesis Team. The Genesis team serves as a covering and a resource to pastors and their families. G.F. travels the world equipping leaders, developing, and growing strong men’s ministries, and impacting the world with the gospel. Visit for a more in depth look at this unique ministry and what it offers.


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