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Reinventing Myself In Retirement

By Dorry Curran

Format: (eBook)
ISBN 13: 9781545626719
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 326
Publisher: Mill City Press
Publication Date: 03/27/2018

Format: (Softcover)
ISBN 13: 9781545626702
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 326
Publisher: Mill City Press
Publication Date: 03/27/2018

Changing My Mind: Reinventing Myself In Retirement examines the transition from career to retirement from every angle. Retirement can bring significant change in just about every facet of life. Changing My Mind grapples with all these challenges. Dorry Curran provides a perspective on the retirement transition that is humorous, poignant, practical... and unfailingly relatable.

Dorry Curran recently retired from a middle management position with the federal government, after over 33 years of service. She began her career in 1981, upon graduation from college. Ironically, after spending four years studying the English language, she began working at a job that required her to speak Bureaucrat.

Dorry was born in New York City. Her parents did exactly what they were supposed to do in the fifties. As soon as they had a baby, they moved to Long Island. Moving an hour and a half from the city worked out so well for them, they decided to move across the entire country to California a few years later. When Dorry retired, she and the love of her life vowed to fulfill their secret desire to live in a space bigger than a breadbox without having to print their own money to pay for it. Having grown up three miles from Disneyland, Dorry worried that her DNA would unravel if she ventured too far from the Happiest Place on Earth. Therefore, she settled in central Florida to reinvent herself.

In addition to creating skid marks on her Disney World annual pass and stumbling her way through the challenges created by retiring, moving, taking over the primary care of her mother, and figuring out how to craft a post-employment life for herself, Dorry writes a weekly blog under her creative name, Terri LaBonte.  You can visit her at



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