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Piercing the Night

Strategic Intercession to Set the LGBTQ+ Captives Free

By Kathryn Lindsey Kiser
Price: $23.99

Format: (eBook)
ISBN 13: 9781662829147
Publisher: Xulon Press

Format: (Softcover)
ISBN 13: 9781662829130
Trim Size: 7 x 10
Number of Pages: 312
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 02/01/2022

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

Get ready to have your faith stirred and heart provoked to love those who are bound in sexual brokenness. 

Marked by her own powerful testimony of coming out of same-sex attraction and gender confusion, Lindsey has been filled with passion to see others know and experience healing and victory in their own lives. Through intimacy with Jesus, she experienced the redemptive and transformative power of God and received the call to pray for other LGBTQ+ persons that they too might encounter His Presence and experience His love. 

Piercing the Night is a book of strategic prayers for new and seasoned prayer warriors. The book is not only powerful for those who are the focus of our prayers; they are powerful for those who pray them. They will bless the reader who engages them and strengthen their experience of the gospel itself. Lindsey’s abundant use of scripture opens our eyes to the deeper meaning of familiar passages and helps us to access their inherent authority, which God desires us all to have when we pray. One cannot pray these prayers and come away unchanged. They purify our soul, move us into a deeper level of sanctification, and indeed, set the captives free. 

Kathryn Lindsey Kiser has extensive education and experience in inner healing and deliverance ministry. She was first exposed to healing prayer through Leanne Payne’s Pastoral Care Ministry Schools. She has since been involved with various prayer ministries and has led with Christian Healing Ministries, Regeneration Ministries of Northern Virginia, and the Jacksonville House of Prayer, in addition to training and serving the local church. Lindsey graduated from Baylor University and MorningStar University’s School of Ministry before founding Hook & Ladder Prayer Co.



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