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Forever Grateful to God

Sacred Writings Inspired by the Lord and Devotional Journal

By Kerry M. Hirsch
Price: $23.99

Format: (Softcover)
ISBN 13: 9781662829208
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 214
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 11/05/2021

Forever Grateful to God is a book of Sacred Writings that are meant to inspire you and lift you up when you need a word of encouragement. Our days get packed and over scheduled with never ending errands and to-do lists. Finding time to sit still and be encouraged can take us to a place of Peace. Reading a word in season can take us away in our thoughts and give us Peace, and writing can do the same. There are five sections to do your own journaling that include; a Prayers section (to remember all Prayer requests received, including your own;) a Gratitude section, returning to Gratitude changes your perspective; Sacred Writings, to honor yourself and your time with The Lord, He may surprise you with what He puts on your heart; Visions and Dreams are a way to document and focus on what you want and keep it in the forefront of your mind; and Blessings and Miracles, pages to fill with God’s abundant Blessings and the Miracles you witness and receive when you need it most. 

Psalm 103:1-22

Kerry Hirsch is a first time author and mother of 3 children. She is Grateful for her Journey with Jesus and has learned that through her challenges and losses, He has never left her side. During one of her lengthy storms God would get her up at night, put words on her heart, and she transferred them onto paper. With her lack of focus in the classroom and her struggles in school, the enemy tried to convince her she was not worthy, and to keep these Sacred Writings hidden under her bed. Through prayer, support, and courage, the time has come to share what The Lord has shared with her.




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