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By Vivian Ann Velasco
Price: $57.49
Price: $47.99
Price: $9.99

Format: (eBook)
ISBN 13: 9781662829598
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 09/27/2021

Format: (Hardcover)
ISBN 13: 9781662830020
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 98
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 10/26/2021

Format: (Softcover)
ISBN 13: 9781662829581
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 98
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 10/26/2021

A collection of the heart. In her journey to share these selected essays, Vivian A. Velasco has lived a life filled with possibilities. In these personal writings, her deepest thoughts come to the forefront to help others in trying times of need. As a cancer survivor, loss of twin boys and her sons unexpected passing during the writing of this book, Vivian hopes to help others on their paths through life by sharing her own. All readers making their way through these essays will find some peace and an understanding that you are not alone and find a calm that the Lord can bring to you and loved ones. We are all truly blessed in our daily lives. Life has such ups and downs, but through prayer, the love of family and a continued interest to achieve, anything you desire can be done.

Vivian A. Velasco authored three children’s books with countless hours in classrooms promoting young authors throughout the Midwest as well as her first attempt at a psychological thriller loosely based on some personal experiences. Being a cancer survivor and dealing with the death of her twin boys and her older son, she has turned her writing skills to personal essays that she is in hopes will heal and promote guidance in her own life as well as the reader. Before that, Vivian spent many hours in the medical field as a Respiratory therapy tech helping others in rehabilitation programs. Once children were born, heading to the teaching field was a given. Starting with a Montessori school and leading to an area high school. Vivian continues to incorporate her personal life into her writings and speaking engagements to spread the word.



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