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Overcoming the Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the Eyes, and the Pride of Life

By Marshall A. Isler III
Price: $15.99

Format: (Softcover)
ISBN 13: 9781662830716
Trim Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 176
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 02/23/2022

This book explores the source of masculine traits and their evolution from God’s original purpose, through Satan’s corruption, and to the world’s exploitation. To ensure procreation, God designed man with an insatiable appetite for sex. For males to be the protector and provider as He intended, God made them stronger and competitive. To be the leader of the family, God gave him the rational and intellectual traits to be problem solvers. However since the fall of man, Satan and his systems of the world have exploited these traits to satisfy man’s sinful nature.


These traits have become silent and deadly sins which begin with lust, greed and pride. Silent because these sins are in the mind, where no one knows but the sinner, God, and maybe a consenting partner. Deadly because eternity in hell is a potential consequence; and man’s mind alone is his greatest obstacle. Pride can easily convince the mind that these sins are harmless and victimless. In addition, the world condones and in many cases celebrates them. The book exposes Satan’s lies, tricks and deceptions, and shows why his strategy presents a special challenge to the sinful nature of man’s masculinity. Finally, the book will explore spiritual weapons such as God’s special kind of love available to help overcome this challenge

Marshall Isler was born in Kinston, NC and grew up in the AMEZ church. After graduating from college and marriage in Washington DC, he became a Lutheran in the early 60’s. In the late 90’s He moved to Fayetteville and joined an evangelical church. Isler has had over sixty years of personal experience as a Christian man dealing with the subject matter; and participating in many men groups in his community and the churches he attended. He and his wife, Verna, reside in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Marshall is a retired navy commander. He holds a BS in Engineering from Howard University and a master’s degree from George Washington University. He is also a graduate of the Program for Management Development at the Harvard Business School. He has been a Congressional Fellow and a HUD Community Builder Fellow.



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