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Your Family Legacy

Creating and Maintaining

By V.B. Harris-Nixon
Price: $19.49

Format: (Softcover)
ISBN 13: 9781662849459
Trim Size: 8 x 10
Number of Pages: 80
Publisher: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 08/15/2022

What in the world is my family good at doing? 


This book offers real-life experiences on how the actions and choices of family members could help your family’s legacy. Each chapter provides tools to use for welcoming your family members’ differences and honoring similarities. I pray that you will become inspired by reading this book and become like a teabag in changing or adding flavor to your family’s legacy. 

V.B.Harris-Nixon and her husband both are disciples of Jesus and military veterans. They have three beautiful children. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Culinary Arts Hospitality Management and a Master of Human Relations. She is pursuing certification in Plant-Based Nutrition and a Doctorate in Land, Food and Faith. Her time is dedicated to her faith, family, fellowship, and fun as a Minister and Chef.



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